Monday, December 26, 2005

He's got it

The Christmas spirit that is. This year, after the family came over and the cookies and presents started rolling, Harry was TOTALLY into it. He was just amazed. He still keeps saying, "I can't believe Santa brought this for ME!" So much fun and he loved everything.

And this was our humble Christmas table...thrown together at the last minute, but everyone loved the traditional turkey dinner and we had a lovely Christmas Eve.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Ways in which I am a cheap-o

1) I stalk my library's web site. I put new books on hold and watch and wait for it to be my turn. I just won't buy a book that I'm not sure I will ever read again. (and I already have 5 bookcases full of books)

2) Ditto for Blockbuster and new movies.

3) My thermostat is set at 62 degrees from 5am-8am and 5pm-10pm, but the other hours are set for a *chilly* 58 degrees.

4) I do buy certain things at Wal-Mart even though 95% of my family totally boycotts the place. Must be nice to be rich.

5) I always use less laundry detergent, shampoo, facial cleanser, etc. than recommended. It goes a lot further that way.

6) Alright, this one is hard to admit, but when our nearest thrift store is closed, I drive by and see what people have left outside the back door. This is NOT stealing because they have multiple signs telling people NOT to leave stuff out there when they are closed-that it is considered littering, so I feel no qualms about the wonderfully huge six drawer desk that I got there or the cute wooden bookshelf or the old chair for my daughter's room. I imagine this is gross to some people, but how gross can wooden furniture be? What could be living in or on it? I leave everything in the garage for a couple days to "air" it out and clean/sand/repaint it. Anyway, thanks litterbugs!

7) I won't buy anything for my scrapbook habit unless it is at a discount or on sale or with a coupon, even staples like adhesives and cardstock.

8) I use disposable shavers FAR too many times.

9) When asked what I want for my birthday or christmas, I always ask for something practical and if I get something fun instead, like a Starbucks card or jewelry or a sweater, I feel pretty ungrateful, even though I like those things too.

10) I have never tipped our newspaper delivery people. (at this house) We have so many missed days, wet papers and late days that I just can't give a tip for bad service. I guess maybe if I gave a tip this Christmas, I might get better service, but that just seems SO wrong to me, I can't do it.

There are a lot more, but I think you get the idea already.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I am in "list" mode lately...

here is another one:

5 ODD things about ME:

1) I hate it when toys are missing-I have gotten better now, but I used to count how many of each thing there were and yes, I would TEAR down the house to find it. When Harry was really little he had a Teletubbies puzzle and one of the tubbies went missing and I never found it. (and I still think about it!)

2) I can't leave laundry must be folded and put away RIGHT from the dryer, with no interruption or I get, uh, "testy."

3) This is really awful, but I do almost everything in super-hyper-frenzy mode. Even if it is something enjoyable and I have nothing else to do, I rush-rush-rush through it until it is done. (the one exception is my driving, I am very good about being patient then)

4) Other than when I was very small (too young to remember) I have absolutely refused to try any type of seafood. I don't know why, but I will not touch it at all. (but I eat Starkist tuna once in a while-go figure)

5) I really hate wearing shoes. In the winter I wear slippers and in the summer I go barefoot. No shoes for me!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

The A-Z of ME

I am stealing this from Karen, who stole it from someone else! HA!

A-Age: 36
B-Bed size: Queen
C-Chore you hate: scrubbing the tub-don't ask how long I avoid it
D-Dessert you love: a chocolate malt
E-Essential start your day item: coffee & newspaper
F-Favorite actor(s): Gwyneth Paltrow & Colin Firth
G-Gold or Silver: Silver
H-Height: 5'3"
I-Instruments you play: used to play guitar in high school, dabbled with the flute
J-Job title: part time nanny and full time slave at home
K-Kids: 1 girl and 2 boys
L-Living arrangements: Me, husband and three kids
M-Mom's name: Judy
O-Overnight hospital stay other than birth: Nope
P-Phobia: driving-people scare me to death
Q-Quote you like: "Intellect is invisible to the person who hasn't any." Arthur Schopenhauer
R-Right or left handed: right
S-Siblings: 2, I'm the oldest
T-Time you woke up today: 8 am
U-Unique habit: I have to sleep with my hands underneath me somehow or at least under a pillow (under the blanket isn't enough-it has to be something solid)
V-Vegetable you hate: I really hate a lot of them, but cauliflower is so stinky when cooked.
W-Worst habit: eating kid food-spaghettios, pizza, hot dogs, etc.
X-X-rays you've had: teeth, back, neck, head, hands, feet, knees, hips (I have arthritis)
Y-Yummy food you can make: I make VERY good cookies; peanut butter and chocolate chip
Z- Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Monday, November 14, 2005

I was tagged!

Karen Carter sent me this quiz, so here goes!

2-names you go by: Mommy and my husband calls me Babe
2-parts of your heritage: German on my dad's side and Norwegian & Irish on mom's side side
2-things that scare you: mountain driving-it can actually make me hysterical and becoming homeless (we have been close a couple times-not fun!)
2-everyday essentials: a large cup of decaf (so boring I know, but I'm hypertensive) and a very large bottle of sparkling water.
2-favorite bands or musical artists: Weezer & Toad the Wet Sprocket
2-favorite songs: Wherever you Will Go by the Calling (makes me cry-what a sap!) and Buddy Holly by Weezer
2- things you want in a relationship (other than real love): twice-a-week sex (at least) and patience with my moods
2-physical things that appeal to you in the opposite sex: bare chests (no hair, I mean) and no skinny-mini's
2-of your favorite hobbies: scrapbooking and reading
2-things you really want badly: a huge dining table and a new fridge
2-places you want to go on vacation: Hawaii and Europe (a multi-city tour)
2-things you want to do before you die: build my own home and write a book
2-ways that you are stereotypically a chick: I won't kill spiders if Brian is around to do it and I love hot bubble baths
2-things you are thinking about now: after tomorrow I have the rest of the week off & we have absolutely no money!
2-stores you shop at: Scrapbooks Atelier and Target
3-people I would like to see take this quiz: no fair! I'm such a dork that I have no one left to tag!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


This is what woke me up today. I guess I knew that it would happen-the batteries in one of the SIX smoke detectors in our house would get low when Brian wasn't home.

I am.... ah-hum.....vertically challenged. Armed with a step stool, I still had to S - T - R - E - T - C - H as much as I could on tiptoes to get the damn things down. (we do NOT have high ceilings, by the way) This after standing in the hallway for a good half hour because I was completely stumped as to which one was doing the chirping. I tried closing doors and standing in different places, to no avail. Finally, I just took three of them down and replaced all the batteries.

My question is, if they want people to replace those batteries so bad, why the hell do they make it so difficult to do so? Why do you have to take the whole thing off the ceiling, unplug the wiring and pry up the battery compartment with a screwdriver to accomplish this task? Why not one easy flip-down compartment on the thing so you can just GET THE JOB DONE?

There's some product designer/engineer out there that I'd like to kick in the ass right now.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Humdrum Halloween

This year's festivities didn't really do much for me or my family. I can't say why...nothing went wrong or anything, no one was sick, but we just weren't that into it. These pics kind of sum it up.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Sierra Scrap Escape

This past weekend, we were lucky enough to be invited up to Sierra Scrap Escape by Donna Ramirez. Even though I didn't have time to prepare a project or class, I got to bring my whole family and we spent time sightseeing together and took our christmas picture up there in the Pines. The resort was just lovely, with a Starbucks in the lobby. Even more improvements will be made by spring, so check it out!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

It Doesn't Translate

I get lots of many ideas and almost none of them come to fruition.

I love to lay in bed and think of things to do, but the next day, when I could possibly try to DO something, I either blank out or the thought of it just exhausts me. I'm not terribly lazy. I have a job, three kids, two cats and a very distracted husband to deal with everyday and I manage most of the time.

I want to be SUPERWOMAN and like, be creative when I'm making dinner, or stay up all night working on projects, or dictate ideas into a recorder, but I know I'm never going to do that. I say that I will have time "someday..."

Oh well.

Friday, October 07, 2005

The tacky stuff I notice.

I don't know why, but on my drive home, I drive past a semi-rural neighborhood that actually gets to have the curbside mailboxes. How quaint, right? Anyway, there is one that just make me "tsk" everyday. It is white with heart-shaped flags on it and silhouettes of desert quail running across the top. I don't get the whole make a flag into another shape thing and c'mon desert quail are so damn ugly and really stupid to boot. I mean, they take their whole brood (which can be DOZENS) running across the road and unlike ducks, they don't even go in a straight line in a calm manner....the dumb quail zig zag across the road like they are blind and their feet are on fire. I kind of like thinking of them as coyote chow.

Monday, October 03, 2005

10 Great Movie Lines

I can't even say that these are my top ten, there are so many great movies lines out there...this is just off the top.

"Put the candle back!" -- Young Frankenstein

"Excuse me, do I have 'fuck me' written on my forehead?" -- Cocktail

"Do or do not; there is no try." - Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back

"Half the time I'm with you, I'm thinking about something else."--Say Anything

"Why don'tcha put her in charge?" -- Aliens

"We're gonna need a bigger boat" -- Jaws

"Because I just went gay all of a sudden!" -- Bringing Up Baby

"All-righty then!" Ace Ventura

"Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night." --All About Eve

"I'll have what she's having." -- When Harry Met Sally

Sunday, October 02, 2005

I Love Being a GIRL!

Well, some of the time! Getting all dressed up, having my first manicure and pedicure and getting my hair styled for my sister's wedding was FUN! In order to make myself more comfortable and interested in doing the girly stuff at home, I am in the process of arranging a vanity in my bedroom. So far, I just have an antique sewing table, mirror and chair, but I plan on getting some kind of lighting and all the fun stuff, jars & bottles to make everything look pretty. It is much more relaxing to do my hair at my vanity instead of leaning over the bathroom sink!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

What's the point?

I have been running across more and more password protected blogs. I don't get it. If you just want your little sorority to know you, then why don't you just send out a group email? If you don't want comments, turn them off. If you want to be anonymous, do that.

I know if I felt invaded and persecuted by the "icky" people who might read my blog, I would realize that it is time to QUIT.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends

I was watching this cartoon with Harry today and one of the characters, Bloo, " got away" while they were shopping and found himself in a gift shop. When he saw some dancing catci, he got a great idea. He asked another customer to hold it against his back and he started singing...


so the cactus would scratch his back.

Then he said,

"Do you think you could hold TWO?

and the guy did.

Then he said,

"Do you have any friends?"

and then they cut to three people, holding two cacti against his back each, while he's singing,


with his tongue hanging out.

While I'm laughing my butt off, Harry says, "I don't see what's so funny to you.."

Oh well, you had to be there.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My 10 Scrapbooking Mantras

1) Do it because you want to. If I start thinking "I have to get this done." then I stop. I am not going to turn this fun hobby into a job.

2) I am never going to be "done." I take far too many photos and have ideas and memories that pop up every day. Until my brain stops churning, I'm not going to be done.

3) I don't "need" that. This one is hard, but just because some new product is the hottest thing, that doesn't mean I NEED it. When I think that, it's time for a reality check.

4) I'm doing this for me, not for my kids or their kids. If they enjoy looking at them, then great, but I'm not so naive to think that all these scrapbooks are going to be kept forever.

5) Use what you've got. I've got a lot less than some, but still far too many supplies. I will paint, dye or cut up what I've already got before I run out to get something to coordinate.

6) Pictures are not always worth a 1000 words. The story behind the photos is just as important.

7) Inspiration is great, imitation is kinda dull. I have tried to scraplift and for whatever reason, it just takes the fun out of my pages. I'd rather have a crummy page that is all my own, than a bunch of copied stuff. It's the creative part that is fun for me (though sometimes very hard!) I guess if I wanted to follow a pattern, I'd learn to knit, or cross stitch or something.

8) None of this applies if you need to make a handmade gift, quick, easy and copied or from a kit is the way to go!

9) I try to follow that jewelry rule about taking one thing back off. I don't glue anything down until I know I'm done because with all the cool stuff out there, it is way too easy to load it all on.

10) Change is good. I'm not going to say never anymore, I might change sizes, I might go digital, you never know!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Love for my friend Kathy

Lots of love for a GREAT mom raising a lovely, smart little girl. You work so hard and do it all by yourself. Thinking of you today!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Angel in Repose

When my sister and I were very little, we had a Little Golden Book about a little went something like this: "There was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, she was very, very good, but when she was bad she was horrid." That little rhyme completely and accurately describes Kate. She can be so loving and sweet and wonderful, but if she gets an idea in her head and someone tries to stop her, look out!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Tough Guy

At 15 months, Pete has already mastered his tough guy look. It's the same look you see in the linebacker's eye. A slow, serious assessment. What exactly is a toddler working out in his little mind?

Friday, September 09, 2005

Little Monkeys

My brother's twins have turned into little monkeys.

When they want something now, they go uh-uh-uh-uh or ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh. Not just once or twice, but at least four times in a row.

They didn't do this until after they went to the Seattle Zoo...

cute little monkeys!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Sudoku makes me feel veeeeeeerrrrry dumb!

If you haven't heard of it, these puzzle books are actually making the bestseller list. My husband picked one up for me and I have to admit, it is extremely addictive. I kind of have to "cheat" to do them. After I get my whole first row or column done, I check in the back to see if I'm right, otherwise the whole damn grid is screwed. These make me feel oh so stupid and I can remember why I hated my Logic course in college so much. If you've got plenty of time to kill, check 'em out.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I am either so boring or very dishonest

My posts are generally so dull. Yesterday, I tried to write down my stream-of-consciousness and I ended up with a page full of DRECK!

The only time I have a thought that is ever remotely interesting is when it is something horribly evil, so I never express it. I can't imagine blasting those kinds of thoughts out here, even though practically no one ever reads this. (except you Kathy-Thanks!)

I am so fascinated by other's blogs....maybe I should stop reading them and comparing them to mine?

Sunday, August 28, 2005

A plethora of idea books

I guess I went a little nuts this week-but there are so many new ones out! I just couldn't help it. I'm off to do some reading!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Here's what happens when you tell my family to line up for a photo

What a bunch of nutjobs! This is one of my favorite pics from the whole shebang though-it speaks volumes about our family. I had such a good time and I laughed more than I have in the last YEAR!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Finally hanging on my wall

and I don't even notice it! I wanted this print by Abba Richman for months, shopped all around to find out which size I wanted (at what price), thinking that it was "perfect" for my little work area. And now it's like I'm done....I still love it, but whatever mania I had for it has passed. Maybe it just isn't in the right spot....

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Getting excited for our trip!

Here's the soon-to-be-weds:

In less than a week, we will in Seattle for my sister's wedding extravaganza! I still have so much to do and get ready, but I am finally thinking about how fun it will be, not just about the logistics. My maternal family hasn't all been in one place since....ah....1995? That's a long time!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Whenever I see your smilin' face...

This is the greatest little guy-he goes to work with me every day without complaint. I so wish I could fill his days with more fun and activities just right for him, but this is where we are right now. I will just keep lovin' his grins and giggles.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Got some goodies today!

I am the owner of the new Chatterbox book "Substance of Life" after only a brief struggle. I asked my LSS owner to hold one for me and she did, but her employee didn't believe me when I asked for it! They have been assaulted with requests for it and they sold out in only a few hours. He actually called the owner to see if I was on the up and up. Pretty funny.

I also grabbed every single paper in the new Nook line. It took a lot of restraint to not get the Loft line too, but I have so much paper already I had to draw the line. I asked Harry, "pink or blue?" and he said "PINK." I am going to keep them out on my table so that I can just look at them.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Three Years Later...

In August of 2002, my son Steven was very badly burned when another boy set fire to a can of lighter fluid and it exploded. This is how his scars look today. I don't post this to scare or horrify anyone, only to inform. Before this happened to him, I wouldn't have known what burn scars would look like. To me, they are both better and worse than I imagined. In public, all that shows is his arm (not really visible in the picture) and it is really hard for Steven when people just stare at it. Almost NO ONE asks what happened. I think both he and I would rather hear an honest question than get the stares.

I try not to let his burns figure in how I look at and treat Steven. It was a horrible thing and the scars will always be there, but I don't want to define him as a burn victim anymore than I call him a diabetic (diagnosed in 1999). He is my first son Steven.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Beating the Heat

We are on our way to a record setting hot the end of this week, we will have had 10+ days of triple digits. I am not a big fan of the super-hotness. 80's are bearable, but over 90 seems unnecessary to me. Unlike Phoenix, where we used to live, we do truly have a "dry heat" with humidity only in the teens, so I have been through much worse.

Nonetheless, this is honestly the FIRST summer that I didn't fantasize about fall or winter. Fall is my favorite season, but this year, seeing that back to school advertising in July really creeped me out. I'm sure I will enjoy it when the season changes, but for now, I am happy in these moments, and yes, that's a FIRST for me.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Gruesome Color Palette

I just got The Designer's Guide to Color Combinations from the Library and right in the beginning of the book as "Bonus Palette #1" is DEADLY COLOR. These are the most hideous colors and their names are no more attractive; Trauma Coral, Putre Taupe, Cadaver Yellow, and Viscera Cyan, to name a few. It says that Designer David Lincoln Brooks exhaustively studied pictures of accident scenes and cadavers. Further down, it goes on to describe in sickening detail where and how these colors are found. (I'm not going to repeat it here.)

You'll have to excuse me now, I'm feeling kind of ill.....

Monday, July 11, 2005

My Ten "Desert Island Discs"

In compliance with the 2peas meme challenge #8, here is my list of must-have and never-get-tired-of CD's. (in no particular order with links to

1. Fizzy Fuzzy Big & Buzzy by The Refreshments It seems like I am the only person who has ever heard of them, but I'm still not tired of this CD. Favorite song: Don't Wanna Know.

2. Highway to Hell by AC/DC Nothing gets my blood pumping like these drums and Bon Scott's raspy vocals. Favorite song: If You Want Blood (You've Got It).

3. Nevermind by NirvanaThis one is too obvious..nothing for me to say. Favorite song: On A Plain.

4. Weezer by Weezer These are such regular guys singing songs about regular stuff. Favorite song: Undone-The Sweater Song.

5. Foo Fighters by the Foo Fighters I am a big fan of the Foo Fighters, but I am very slow to buy new CD's, so I haven't heard much of the new one...this one is a classic. Favorite song: Big Me.

6. 1967-1970 by The Beatles I love all these songs. Favorite song: Lady Madonna.

7. Dulcinea by Toad the Wet SprocketThis band has some really weird stuff, but I can listen to this entire CD without skipping anything. Favorite song: Stupid.

8. Greatest Hits by Queen I don't know why they didn't include Bohemian Rhapsody on this disc, but I still love what they did put on it. Favorite song: Somebody To Love.

9. Greatest Hits 1970-2002 (disc one only) by Elton John I'd probably pitch disc two into the ocean, but disc one is a keeper forever! Favorite song: Your Song.

10. Tragic Kingdom by No Doubt Ten years later, this CD still ROCKS! Favorite song: Excuse Me MR.

I am going to listen to some of these right now...

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I guess I took a mini-break!

For once, I was DOING stuff instead of thinking about stuff! Nice change!

Harry and I had a wonderful Mommy and Me, lunch and we saw "Madagascar." ( I am very ashamed to say that I fell asleep TWICE during the movie-wheel me off to the old folks home!) We went and saw the Fireworks show at the Nugget WAY up close! The pieces were raining down on us. (Yes, I freaked out at first until I picked one up and felt that it was cold and light) Harry thought it was totally cool. (so did we!)

Going back to work was a bummer for all.....we usually wrapped some kind of vacation time around the fourth, but we couldn't do it this year-too much going on and no $$$ to spare.

I finished my Altered Rolodex cards (the first group anyway) and bought a bunch of mini-books....feeling in the mood for some quick but intense projects!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Ready, Steady, Go!

We have been packing and preparing for Savanna & Steven's flight tomorrow. As always, I forget something important. This time, I forgot to check how much insulin he had and it's too late to get more before the flight, so I will hope that he can get his refill in Wisconsin with no trouble. I hate sending them off alone and I hate more how relieved I am when the whole packing/checking in/waiting is over. It makes me feel guilty and sad. After 9 years, I should be used to it, but guess what? I'm not.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Sweet Sixteen

My first baby, Savanna is 16 today!
She is the one who taught me how to be a mom and endured so many of my mistakes. She is the one who is most loyal and I will always be able to count on her. She is the one who brings life to our house, though sometimes with too much drama. She is the one who was the first grandchild in our families, the shining star. She is my only daughter and my sweet sunshine forever.
I love you Savanna!
Happy Birthday!

Friday, June 24, 2005

No one believes me!

I guess I am just not the "cheerleader" type! My daughter and my neice and people who didn't know me then just CANNOT fathom that I was a cheerleader in junior high. (in fact I was captain in 8th grade!) Not only that, but I was pretty good and I loved every minute of it, even the practices. Our team was the St. John's Tigers and our colors were green and gold. It was the 80's though, so our skirts were white and our sweaters were green and gold striped. Ours was a very small private school and those sweaters were OLD....very heavy wool for football season, but we only cheered during basketball season. We wore white Tretorns with a gold stripe. We also did a pom pom routine for each halftime break, which was the best part of each game, we actually had the full attention of the crowd. I do not have a single picture of me cheering; I'm thinking of trying to contact some of the other cheerleaders, but it would be kind of awkward after all these years. I still have my medals anyway!

Waiting for the Rain

It looks like it will rain! it has been too long, I am willing it to come down.

My goals for this weekend:

Do something fun for Savanna's birthday on Sunday
Take lots of photos
Relax for once; don't spend the weekend in a frenzy

That's IT! I always tell my kids to 'go with the flow' but I never do it myself. I rush from one chore or activity to another and I end up not even knowing where the weekend went.

Wish me Luck!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Late at Night

I am staying up TOO LATE! I have to get up at 5am! I am CRAZY!

But it is so nice when the kids are asleep (or quiet anyway) and the windows are all open bringing in fresh cool air and the crickets are chirping. I just love it. My ideal sleep schedule would be midnight to 8am....I dare to dream.

Tomorrow I should post about how many times I nod off during the day tomorrow. (occupational hazard when rocking babies) and how many times I think, "I stayed up too late!"

Monday, June 20, 2005

Needed a few days off

I just couldn't face writing down any of the crap that has happened in the last few days and I still can't.

Instead, I will remember that I only have two weeks left with my big kids. They leave for a four week visit with their dad on July 2. Part of me enjoys the break (especially from the high grocery bills with two teens!) but I mostly worry. Nobody can take care of their kids like their own mom. I will miss my lovely daughter, who is always on my side, even when I'm being irrational. I will constantly hope that this isn't the visit that turns my son into a "man" who doesn't need his mommy anymore. I dread putting them on a plane by themselves. I wish I had planned something fun for BEFORE they go, but we already have a trip planned for August, so there is no vacation time until then.

Two weeks seems very, very soon.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

10 Things I wish I knew in High School

In no particular order:

1) I didn't really enjoy my life. I wish I had tried to imagine how hard it would be to always be responsible and accountable. Even when I was having a great time, I was always wishing that I was the next step ahead, getting a driver's license, getting a job, etc. I wish I had lived in those moments.

2) I had no idea how smart and pretty I was. I was horribly shy, even with girls, always thinking I couldn't possibly measure up. I had a brief chubby period when I was 15 and from then on, I always felt "fat" even when I wasn't.

3) I wish I had ignored the existence of boys. I had a few that were nice and plenty that really liked me, but I wasn't dating for my own reasons, just because I was asked. There were so many guys and almost none of them had any impact on my life. Pretty much a waste of time and a distraction.

4) I wish I had stuck with my guitar lessons. I only took one year and I didn't come away with any permanent "skills." It would be nice to be able to pick it up when I wanted to and play something basic, even campfire songs!

5) I wish I hadn't lost my first two diaries. Sometime between 15 and 17, they were gone. There weren't many entries, but I would love to have them now! I wish I had known how important they would be to me someday.

6) I wish I had been confident enough to stay in the college prep school I was in instead of transferring to the local public high school. Even with mediocre grades, I may have somehow ended up in college if I had instead of working until I got married and had kids.

7) I wish I hadn't idealized rock stars; it led to hanging around the guys who were in bands, and while often entertaining, it was a dead-end. Some of those guys were truly talented, but not a single one ended up in the music industry and lots were hooked on drugs before they made it to adulthood. I think I have already lost some hearing due in no small part to all the concerts and from sitting 10 feet from all their amps. I totally didn't fit in anyway, being a virgin and a non-smoker and all that "uncool" stuff.

8) I wish I had spent more time with my sister. Even though she was younger, she was much smarter than me and basically, did all the stuff that I wish I had done in high school and didn't do all the stupid things I did. I wish I had paid attention to her, I might have learned a few things.

9) I wish I had been able to "listen" to myself. There were some pivotal moments, when I knew I was going in the wrong direction, but went ahead anyway because I was afraid to admit to anyone that I was making a mistake.

10) I wish I had known how BADLY a perm would ruin my hair. I don't know what happened, but my best friend talked me into a perm when I was a freshman and what was once healthy, shiny slightly wavy hair was NEVER the same again. That stupid perm was a tight as a poodle for over SIX MONTHS! I don't know what kind of chemical crap her mom put on my hair, but it was just awful.

Today was really really bad

I am way down in the dumps today. 1) I think I am getting a cold from the babies. 2) we are so totally broke, this will be day 2 of pb&j for dinner. 3) today was the twins 1st birthday and they were horrible; crying, not eating, just so out of sorts. I finally gave them some Motrin and that seemed to help, maybe they're teething? 4) I had to yell at my 13yo. He got mad at Harry and shook him...I told him "There is NO excuse for shaking a little child!" and haven't really spoken to him since. 5) Brian did not get paid anything AGAIN ...and got a nasty virus on his computer, setting back his work AGAIN.

What's that line from "Heathers?" about the way that life can suck?

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I was sailin' along...

and today my computer wouldn't boot up. It was the first time it ever happened without Harry's help. I had to reinstall OSX and my printer, so I am not now in the mood for anything else! I have no idea what happened, but I still get an error when I launch the OS. It was a pretty easy fix so far, but I still spent my evening doing it! Bllllleeeeeeecccccchhhhhhh!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Saving my Skin

I went outside for just a little while on Sunday to skim through a book (a scrapbook idea book of course!) and just like that, I sunburned my back. So every night I make Brian lube me up with Lubriderm. I have been using this lotion since I was 14 because I developed allergies to EVERYTHING else. I really do love the stuff!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

How to torture a four year old...

My sister and I have been discussing what Harry should wear in her wedding this August. She didn't want a little mini-man in a tux, so we decided on a white sailor suit, but I just couldn't resist these shoes:

I have no idea if he will like them or what-but I think it might be my last chance to dress him up in such a babyish way.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Quite an Accomplishment!

My son Steven brought home two certificates from school this week and I was very excited. He's struggled in a few classes this year, so I was hoping that all my help and encouragement had paid off! Well, here's what he got:

Talk about things that make you go hmmmmm....

Friday, June 10, 2005

Thinking of Rainbows

Yesterday while I was driving Savanna to work, we saw a rainbow that was so low, it didn't even look like it was in the sky...all the colors were in an arc across the hills. I have never seen anything like it before. We got a LOT of rain this week and it looks like it might rain again tonight. I love the rain, can't get enough.

I can remember the first time Harry saw a rainbow. We were driving back from lunch with some friends and he was only a little over a year old. He has always looked for rainbows ever since. I hope he never stops.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

My Girl is a "working" girl!

Savanna started working at Subway last week. She's not quite 16 and it's her first job. Total trip! When you have little kids, it seems endless and they will always be around-not so. I guess it would be easier if she was acting like a teenager about it; not wanting to touch gross "meat" or clean up messes or wear a goofy hat and apron, but she is like, totally mature about it. It's a good thing I have 4 year old Harry to keep me busy so I don't think about it too much.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Rainy days always make me ***relax***

It rained all day today and it was lovely. It was a day for really old tshirts and lounging on the couch (in between keeping Pete out of the dog food and hugging the never-satisfied Kate) The twins took a two hour nap without a fuss AT THE SAME TIME. It was glorious! I wish I could have done something productive, but since I was at my brother's house, I simply watched "Days of our Lives" and "Passions." Right before I left, Kate took TWO steps by herself. We really whooped it up and she was so proud of herself. Where did the babies go?

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

My Scrap Space v 10.4

I finally have all my "stuff" set up pretty much the best way I can right now....I am pretty satisfied with it! I got three spice racks for all my MM paints and labeled all my storage boxes. It is really nice knowing where everything is for once! All I need now is a new printer because mine just died a few days ago!

Kind of a Fun Day

Today we went shopping with my mom. I ended up toting Katy on my hip almost the whole time, but we had fun. My mom bought material to make my sister her wedding quilt and I got a Pulp mini scrapbook. It is very cute!

I have been trying to get back on a low-fat diet, but my Mom took me to Wendy's! I did have a plain chicken sandwich, which isn't too bad, but I had fries with it. I should have gotten the salad! I only have 10 weeks before my sister's wedding-barely enough time to lose what I need to. ACK!

Monday, June 06, 2005

First Day on the Job

Well, I've joined the fray....instead of just reading other people's blogs, I'm going to start one of my own.

Question is, will anyone read it?

Well, since I finally got around to archiving my photos, I don't have anything interesting to include here, so tough!

We drove out to a brand new library today and I checked out some movies and some books on digital photography. I thought I'd better figure out how to use my Rebel instead of just letting it do whatever on its own. In fact, the bathtub is calling me now....and it says to bring some books!