Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My 10 Scrapbooking Mantras

1) Do it because you want to. If I start thinking "I have to get this done." then I stop. I am not going to turn this fun hobby into a job.

2) I am never going to be "done." I take far too many photos and have ideas and memories that pop up every day. Until my brain stops churning, I'm not going to be done.

3) I don't "need" that. This one is hard, but just because some new product is the hottest thing, that doesn't mean I NEED it. When I think that, it's time for a reality check.

4) I'm doing this for me, not for my kids or their kids. If they enjoy looking at them, then great, but I'm not so naive to think that all these scrapbooks are going to be kept forever.

5) Use what you've got. I've got a lot less than some, but still far too many supplies. I will paint, dye or cut up what I've already got before I run out to get something to coordinate.

6) Pictures are not always worth a 1000 words. The story behind the photos is just as important.

7) Inspiration is great, imitation is kinda dull. I have tried to scraplift and for whatever reason, it just takes the fun out of my pages. I'd rather have a crummy page that is all my own, than a bunch of copied stuff. It's the creative part that is fun for me (though sometimes very hard!) I guess if I wanted to follow a pattern, I'd learn to knit, or cross stitch or something.

8) None of this applies if you need to make a handmade gift, quick, easy and copied or from a kit is the way to go!

9) I try to follow that jewelry rule about taking one thing back off. I don't glue anything down until I know I'm done because with all the cool stuff out there, it is way too easy to load it all on.

10) Change is good. I'm not going to say never anymore, I might change sizes, I might go digital, you never know!

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