Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I guess I took a mini-break!

For once, I was DOING stuff instead of thinking about stuff! Nice change!

Harry and I had a wonderful Mommy and Me, lunch and we saw "Madagascar." ( I am very ashamed to say that I fell asleep TWICE during the movie-wheel me off to the old folks home!) We went and saw the Fireworks show at the Nugget WAY up close! The pieces were raining down on us. (Yes, I freaked out at first until I picked one up and felt that it was cold and light) Harry thought it was totally cool. (so did we!)

Going back to work was a bummer for all.....we usually wrapped some kind of vacation time around the fourth, but we couldn't do it this year-too much going on and no $$$ to spare.

I finished my Altered Rolodex cards (the first group anyway) and bought a bunch of mini-books....feeling in the mood for some quick but intense projects!

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