Thursday, June 16, 2005

Today was really really bad

I am way down in the dumps today. 1) I think I am getting a cold from the babies. 2) we are so totally broke, this will be day 2 of pb&j for dinner. 3) today was the twins 1st birthday and they were horrible; crying, not eating, just so out of sorts. I finally gave them some Motrin and that seemed to help, maybe they're teething? 4) I had to yell at my 13yo. He got mad at Harry and shook him...I told him "There is NO excuse for shaking a little child!" and haven't really spoken to him since. 5) Brian did not get paid anything AGAIN ...and got a nasty virus on his computer, setting back his work AGAIN.

What's that line from "Heathers?" about the way that life can suck?

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