Sunday, July 24, 2005

Three Years Later...

In August of 2002, my son Steven was very badly burned when another boy set fire to a can of lighter fluid and it exploded. This is how his scars look today. I don't post this to scare or horrify anyone, only to inform. Before this happened to him, I wouldn't have known what burn scars would look like. To me, they are both better and worse than I imagined. In public, all that shows is his arm (not really visible in the picture) and it is really hard for Steven when people just stare at it. Almost NO ONE asks what happened. I think both he and I would rather hear an honest question than get the stares.

I try not to let his burns figure in how I look at and treat Steven. It was a horrible thing and the scars will always be there, but I don't want to define him as a burn victim anymore than I call him a diabetic (diagnosed in 1999). He is my first son Steven.

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