Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I am in "list" mode lately...

here is another one:

5 ODD things about ME:

1) I hate it when toys are missing-I have gotten better now, but I used to count how many of each thing there were and yes, I would TEAR down the house to find it. When Harry was really little he had a Teletubbies puzzle and one of the tubbies went missing and I never found it. (and I still think about it!)

2) I can't leave laundry must be folded and put away RIGHT from the dryer, with no interruption or I get, uh, "testy."

3) This is really awful, but I do almost everything in super-hyper-frenzy mode. Even if it is something enjoyable and I have nothing else to do, I rush-rush-rush through it until it is done. (the one exception is my driving, I am very good about being patient then)

4) Other than when I was very small (too young to remember) I have absolutely refused to try any type of seafood. I don't know why, but I will not touch it at all. (but I eat Starkist tuna once in a while-go figure)

5) I really hate wearing shoes. In the winter I wear slippers and in the summer I go barefoot. No shoes for me!

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