Monday, December 26, 2005

He's got it

The Christmas spirit that is. This year, after the family came over and the cookies and presents started rolling, Harry was TOTALLY into it. He was just amazed. He still keeps saying, "I can't believe Santa brought this for ME!" So much fun and he loved everything.

And this was our humble Christmas table...thrown together at the last minute, but everyone loved the traditional turkey dinner and we had a lovely Christmas Eve.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Ways in which I am a cheap-o

1) I stalk my library's web site. I put new books on hold and watch and wait for it to be my turn. I just won't buy a book that I'm not sure I will ever read again. (and I already have 5 bookcases full of books)

2) Ditto for Blockbuster and new movies.

3) My thermostat is set at 62 degrees from 5am-8am and 5pm-10pm, but the other hours are set for a *chilly* 58 degrees.

4) I do buy certain things at Wal-Mart even though 95% of my family totally boycotts the place. Must be nice to be rich.

5) I always use less laundry detergent, shampoo, facial cleanser, etc. than recommended. It goes a lot further that way.

6) Alright, this one is hard to admit, but when our nearest thrift store is closed, I drive by and see what people have left outside the back door. This is NOT stealing because they have multiple signs telling people NOT to leave stuff out there when they are closed-that it is considered littering, so I feel no qualms about the wonderfully huge six drawer desk that I got there or the cute wooden bookshelf or the old chair for my daughter's room. I imagine this is gross to some people, but how gross can wooden furniture be? What could be living in or on it? I leave everything in the garage for a couple days to "air" it out and clean/sand/repaint it. Anyway, thanks litterbugs!

7) I won't buy anything for my scrapbook habit unless it is at a discount or on sale or with a coupon, even staples like adhesives and cardstock.

8) I use disposable shavers FAR too many times.

9) When asked what I want for my birthday or christmas, I always ask for something practical and if I get something fun instead, like a Starbucks card or jewelry or a sweater, I feel pretty ungrateful, even though I like those things too.

10) I have never tipped our newspaper delivery people. (at this house) We have so many missed days, wet papers and late days that I just can't give a tip for bad service. I guess maybe if I gave a tip this Christmas, I might get better service, but that just seems SO wrong to me, I can't do it.

There are a lot more, but I think you get the idea already.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I am in "list" mode lately...

here is another one:

5 ODD things about ME:

1) I hate it when toys are missing-I have gotten better now, but I used to count how many of each thing there were and yes, I would TEAR down the house to find it. When Harry was really little he had a Teletubbies puzzle and one of the tubbies went missing and I never found it. (and I still think about it!)

2) I can't leave laundry must be folded and put away RIGHT from the dryer, with no interruption or I get, uh, "testy."

3) This is really awful, but I do almost everything in super-hyper-frenzy mode. Even if it is something enjoyable and I have nothing else to do, I rush-rush-rush through it until it is done. (the one exception is my driving, I am very good about being patient then)

4) Other than when I was very small (too young to remember) I have absolutely refused to try any type of seafood. I don't know why, but I will not touch it at all. (but I eat Starkist tuna once in a while-go figure)

5) I really hate wearing shoes. In the winter I wear slippers and in the summer I go barefoot. No shoes for me!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

The A-Z of ME

I am stealing this from Karen, who stole it from someone else! HA!

A-Age: 36
B-Bed size: Queen
C-Chore you hate: scrubbing the tub-don't ask how long I avoid it
D-Dessert you love: a chocolate malt
E-Essential start your day item: coffee & newspaper
F-Favorite actor(s): Gwyneth Paltrow & Colin Firth
G-Gold or Silver: Silver
H-Height: 5'3"
I-Instruments you play: used to play guitar in high school, dabbled with the flute
J-Job title: part time nanny and full time slave at home
K-Kids: 1 girl and 2 boys
L-Living arrangements: Me, husband and three kids
M-Mom's name: Judy
O-Overnight hospital stay other than birth: Nope
P-Phobia: driving-people scare me to death
Q-Quote you like: "Intellect is invisible to the person who hasn't any." Arthur Schopenhauer
R-Right or left handed: right
S-Siblings: 2, I'm the oldest
T-Time you woke up today: 8 am
U-Unique habit: I have to sleep with my hands underneath me somehow or at least under a pillow (under the blanket isn't enough-it has to be something solid)
V-Vegetable you hate: I really hate a lot of them, but cauliflower is so stinky when cooked.
W-Worst habit: eating kid food-spaghettios, pizza, hot dogs, etc.
X-X-rays you've had: teeth, back, neck, head, hands, feet, knees, hips (I have arthritis)
Y-Yummy food you can make: I make VERY good cookies; peanut butter and chocolate chip
Z- Zodiac Sign: Scorpio