Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Goodbye Mrs. Martin

We were so thrilled to find out that Harry LOVED his 2nd grade teacher this year. He was truly excited to go to school everyday and did his homework without any fuss. He was happy and thriving until we found out that due to decreased enrollment, they were going to eliminate one of the 2nd grade classes, and you guessed it, it was Harry's class with Mrs. Martin. She is normally a 1st grade teacher and got bumped back into 1st grade and Harry's class got split up between the other 2nd grade classes. He's back in a team teaching class, which I think is incredibly stupid. One teacher teaches the class while the other grades homework and does paperwork. I'm not impressed with the idea.

This photo was taken on the last day that Harry went to Mrs. Martin's class. What a sad day for him.

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