Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Agony of Defeat

So, I had an appointment for an assessment with a personal trainer this past Wednesday. She evaluated pretty much every single muscle in my body, even though I told her that quite a few of them have never been used before.

She won.

I was thoroughly and completely convinced that I needed some serious help. I couldn't even balance on a damn ball thing because my quads were so much weaker than my glutes. (?) Even my most valiant efforts were obviously not. good. enough.

Problem is, I don't have $2268 to spend on 36 sessions with her. Not even in the realm of possibility right now. I haven't worked in over a year and Brian has taken some big pay cuts. Their payment plan was still WAAAYY out of reach.

So after being rendered practically crippled by the intensity of that 1 1/4 hours, I went to the library and got some books to hopefully incorporate resistance training into my usual workout.

I went back to the gym yesterday and it was hard, I felt embarrassed and like a big loser for wasting her time, but I did it and I'll keep going until it feels like fun again. Right now all I feel is pain and frustration. Wish I could go back to that state of ignorance and bliss, where I thought I was doing alright.

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