Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Agony of Defeat

So, I had an appointment for an assessment with a personal trainer this past Wednesday. She evaluated pretty much every single muscle in my body, even though I told her that quite a few of them have never been used before.

She won.

I was thoroughly and completely convinced that I needed some serious help. I couldn't even balance on a damn ball thing because my quads were so much weaker than my glutes. (?) Even my most valiant efforts were obviously not. good. enough.

Problem is, I don't have $2268 to spend on 36 sessions with her. Not even in the realm of possibility right now. I haven't worked in over a year and Brian has taken some big pay cuts. Their payment plan was still WAAAYY out of reach.

So after being rendered practically crippled by the intensity of that 1 1/4 hours, I went to the library and got some books to hopefully incorporate resistance training into my usual workout.

I went back to the gym yesterday and it was hard, I felt embarrassed and like a big loser for wasting her time, but I did it and I'll keep going until it feels like fun again. Right now all I feel is pain and frustration. Wish I could go back to that state of ignorance and bliss, where I thought I was doing alright.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Back in the Day

So, as I am trying to determine what the kids need to go back to school, I remembered how every year at the end of summer, my mom would take us to Kinney Shoes to get a new pair for school. I always had a hard time deciding what I wanted to live with for the entire school year and almost never got them big enough to last anyway.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Gold's Gym Rocks!

At the end of June, Brian and I joined Gold's Gym. The first two weeks were pretty hard, we both stuck to the treadmill. Brian's heart race reached some scary levels and every workout made me really dizzy and nauseous. We hung in there though and we get there at least twice a week, usually 3 times.

We are a little dismayed that of the 7 channels of TV to watch, one of the constants is Fox News. It's hard to look away from that train wreck.

I have graduated from the treadmill to the elliptical, doing 2.25 miles in 30 minutes. No more dizziness for me and Brian's heart rates are in normal range now. Brian has lost weight, but mine hasn't changed significantly. I'm afraid that I might be one of those fit but fat people unless I go on some kind of meal plan. I hope it's too soon to worry about that and since I'm still breastfeeding, there isn't too much I want to do about it at this point.

I'm ready to test out my new fitness level with a bike ride or something. We live in the foothills and have some crazy streets, so it will probably still kick my ass, but I'm still curious to try.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

School Days, School Days

Today was registration at Harry's school. After being in a two-teacher, very full class last year, I asked for him to be moved to a traditional classroom. He is not a needy kid, but all that chaos didn't work for him. The whole idea of having two teachers seemed to make sense at first until I found out that in practice, it meant one teacher was teaching ALL 37 kids while the other teacher graded papers.

All spring semester, they insisted that my son could hardly read and then when they gave him a standardized test, he suddenly "could" read above grade level. I wasn't impressed. It told me that he was not going to excel in that environment.

Only 12 days left until we start finding out!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Target gets me every time.

Everytime I go to Target and think, "I just need ____ and ____." they have something new or cheap that I just cannot resist.
I saw it and it was the ONLY one and I HAD to have it.
Today's find:

Here's a linky if you like it too: Mossimo Tote