Monday, November 14, 2005

I was tagged!

Karen Carter sent me this quiz, so here goes!

2-names you go by: Mommy and my husband calls me Babe
2-parts of your heritage: German on my dad's side and Norwegian & Irish on mom's side side
2-things that scare you: mountain driving-it can actually make me hysterical and becoming homeless (we have been close a couple times-not fun!)
2-everyday essentials: a large cup of decaf (so boring I know, but I'm hypertensive) and a very large bottle of sparkling water.
2-favorite bands or musical artists: Weezer & Toad the Wet Sprocket
2-favorite songs: Wherever you Will Go by the Calling (makes me cry-what a sap!) and Buddy Holly by Weezer
2- things you want in a relationship (other than real love): twice-a-week sex (at least) and patience with my moods
2-physical things that appeal to you in the opposite sex: bare chests (no hair, I mean) and no skinny-mini's
2-of your favorite hobbies: scrapbooking and reading
2-things you really want badly: a huge dining table and a new fridge
2-places you want to go on vacation: Hawaii and Europe (a multi-city tour)
2-things you want to do before you die: build my own home and write a book
2-ways that you are stereotypically a chick: I won't kill spiders if Brian is around to do it and I love hot bubble baths
2-things you are thinking about now: after tomorrow I have the rest of the week off & we have absolutely no money!
2-stores you shop at: Scrapbooks Atelier and Target
3-people I would like to see take this quiz: no fair! I'm such a dork that I have no one left to tag!

1 comment:

Karen (Cupcake) Carter said...

Ha! Loved reading your answers. Bi-weekly sex, huh? Naughty Naughty! Thanks for playing along. K