Thursday, September 01, 2005

I am either so boring or very dishonest

My posts are generally so dull. Yesterday, I tried to write down my stream-of-consciousness and I ended up with a page full of DRECK!

The only time I have a thought that is ever remotely interesting is when it is something horribly evil, so I never express it. I can't imagine blasting those kinds of thoughts out here, even though practically no one ever reads this. (except you Kathy-Thanks!)

I am so fascinated by other's blogs....maybe I should stop reading them and comparing them to mine?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you and love your blog, sweetie! Not boring at all! I look forward to checking in on ya every day to see if you've updated and to take a peek into your life..and see pics of your kids!! I'm just not much of a blog responder :)