Thursday, February 19, 2009

Back from the Dead

I am almost recovered from the cough/cold from hell.....seriously, I thought I would never ever get better, but the symptoms themselves were not alarming, just endless.

We have been staying home a LOT, watching TONS of TV and movies. George was pretty happy about it (he didn't get very sick at all, lucky boy) and seems to be lovin' the homebody thing.

I, on the other hand, am quite perturbed that despite wanting to swoon and fall down, was still required to do all the dishes and laundry. Believe me, that particular debt will be repaid in spades next time someone else I know is "sick."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is one magnificent picture, Mutter. If I was there you know I would have done all of your mother-ly duties for you, but alas, I was not. Annnd call me later, girl.