Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ummmm, that's not fog

According to my Google Weather Gadget:

Wind: NW at 2 mph
Humidity: 10%

Pretty much wishing that it WAS fog. This was after the first full day of smoke:

Friday, June 20, 2008

I resemble that remark

So, my daughter and I were leaving Gold's Gym today and when we were waiting for M Night Shyamalan to cross the street (not really, but the guy kinda looked like him), we decided that in no way did I have any kind of resemblance in any way to any celebrity. I thought that was a very good thing since if there was some characteristic that one would recognize in me, it would likely not be a good one. "Hey, she's got a pooch that looks just like Roseanne Barr's!" Catch my drift?

Anyway, I suddenly remembered that the owner of a silk shop in Virginia City a few months ago was so intent on selling me a wrap, that when I was trying it on, he told me, "See! You look just like Angelina Jolie!" I think you will have to agree:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Little Carnivore is 8 Months Old

Georgie doesn't really eat the meat; he just chews on it for a while-still doesn't have any teeth. Little dude is pulling up and walking all around the furniture and can crawl wherever he wants to go. Some serious babyproofing is going to happen here this weekend. It's been so long since we've had a baby in the house that it feels like a minefield now.
I realize that I sound like a really bad reporter, but George has become so demanding in the last few weeks, I am totally frazzled. He wants constant interaction and attention and it is exhausting. I know that this stage will quickly pass when he is fully walking, but I am drained right now.
I can't believe my little lamb is already 8 months old. It is flying by and as usual, I wish I was less tired and enjoying it more.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

One less Son this Summer

My oldest son, Steven is leaving today to stay with his dad for the summer. We get to do this every year, but I never really get used to it. On one hand, it's nice not having to try and entertain an almost-17 year old boy, but it is also a constant nagging worry about where he is and what he is doing. Hopefully, he will take good care of himself AND have a good time.