Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Living in Sin

Just read a post from a midwesterner who is looking to relocate to the west. She wasn't sure about "Navada" because of the gambling. I guess we can't help from bumping into all the hookers walking around either. (the only ones I've ever seen were in ads on top of taxis)

I find it quite hilarious since I grew up in Wisconsin where there is a freaking bar or liquor store on every corner, even in most neighborhoods. I can remember going to church on Sunday and then going to Grandma's house, where the booze was flowing. It's five o' clock somewhere, right?

Then I thought, what the hell am I bitching about? Like I really want some religious nut moving anywhere near me anyway.

Yes, yes, Nevada is chock full o' brothels and casinos and don't forget that we have the highest meth use per capita in the entire world!

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