Saturday, April 26, 2008


We are having an earthquake "storm" here in Northern Nevada. Last night we had a 4.7 that woke me out of a sound sleep. Going to stock up on water today.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Home-Decor challenged

I will be the first to admit, I have never taken an interest in or made any kind of effort at all to decorate a home I lived in, except for maybe my first apartment, which in all honesty, had a lot more style than any other home I've lived in.

Anyhoo, almost every single thing in our house is a hand-me-down, or bought quickly out of necessity or on impulse. Needless to say, it looks like shit.

Since I am creeping up on 40, it is pretty embarrassing to have anyone come into our house. The theme song from "Sanford and Son" constantly plays in my mind. I am almost to the point where I'd like to chuck everything and live on cushions because at least it would have some kind of flair. The problem with that is, since everything I've collected so far is some kind of weird rustic flavor and that is NOT AT ALL where I'd like to be and I would literally have to toss EVERYTHING. I can't get rid of the quilt my mom made or the brass candlesticks my grandma gave me, but I can't figure out how they could be incorporated into color schemes like this:

The whole idea seems very overwhelming and horribly expensive. I think it might require a few more years of looking and dreaming.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Living in Sin

Just read a post from a midwesterner who is looking to relocate to the west. She wasn't sure about "Navada" because of the gambling. I guess we can't help from bumping into all the hookers walking around either. (the only ones I've ever seen were in ads on top of taxis)

I find it quite hilarious since I grew up in Wisconsin where there is a freaking bar or liquor store on every corner, even in most neighborhoods. I can remember going to church on Sunday and then going to Grandma's house, where the booze was flowing. It's five o' clock somewhere, right?

Then I thought, what the hell am I bitching about? Like I really want some religious nut moving anywhere near me anyway.

Yes, yes, Nevada is chock full o' brothels and casinos and don't forget that we have the highest meth use per capita in the entire world!

Monday, April 14, 2008


I was just wondering; if you put aside all matters related to health, would you rather:

1) be just the right size; not too drastically skinny, but whatever amount is ideal to you without starving yourself or going crazy with the exercising thing (whatever that is).

2) be rich, but have to be chunky, with no reprieve via plastic surgery or whatever. So you could dress well and all that, but you'd have to be a chunk.

I honestly don't know which I would choose.

Little bit scary.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Harry's Award

Here's a video of Harry getting a principal's award at school. His reading level went up a whole grade since January. I kind of knew that he would just suddenly "get" reading since that's exactly how it happened with Steven. Way to go Dude!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Bringing it back

My brother and I were talking about great catchphrases from the 80's. He wants to bring back "Gimme a Break" and I remembered "Where's the Beef?" but I think the coup de grace is this....

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Went to Virginia City today

it was pretty fun. elevation 6200 ft. too tired now to write complete sentences or capitalize.