Saturday, January 27, 2007

She fooled us...

but considering that we are the dumbest people alive, it probably wasn't the most difficult task.

Our dog is a GIRL.

We just found this out yesterday at the vet. The breeder said that the dog was a boy and we took their word for it.

Since Barnaby is not a girl name at all, we are going to call her Daisy, which was my first choice for a girl dog's name.

I feel very lame and guilty about missing the boy dog that we never had.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

You know you're getting older when...

it takes some work just to look regular-acceptable-humanish.

Here's what I mean. I am getting ready for the day. I look in the mirror after brushing my teeth, brushing my hair, putting on some moisturizer and am dressed and I think ACK! Too Scary! Even for just taking Harry to school and maybe running to the store.

So, I put on my BE, AND eyeshadow, AND eyeliner, AND mascara, AND my eyebrows (I have invisible brows-why can't my hair be that blonde? not fair) and at that point, I feel like I look "normal."

I think I can see why older women tend to have hair that gets shorter and shorter. If you've got to put on your 'face' every damn day, who has time for futzing with hair?

Now I just need some elastic waist pants and slip on shoes.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Our new Car?

I don't think it technically is a car. Anyway, it is a 2004 Saturn Vue and I just love it. Tons of room, lots of stuff I'm not used to (like, power door locks and windows and keyless entry, etc. Oh and a 6-disc CD player!) and these crazy big tires that plow through anything. Bring on the snow!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Goodbye Little Red Saturn and Goodbye long hair!

On Dec. 29, Brian was smashed into by some guy and my Saturn is officially totaled. (Brian is perfectly fine) Such a bummer. It was grand and glorious having no car payments!

I also made Brian chop off a ton of my hair, probably about 6 inches of dry, frizzy, fried-out ick. I will post a picture when I have one.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Being a Homebody

We have stayed home all week, mostly in PJ's. We get bundled up to take Barnaby for his walk around lunchtime. It has been so wonderful and I actually took some pics too!