Wednesday, March 01, 2006

How can I be so cheap, but not frugal?

I was watching the show "Secret Lives of Women" last night and they had on shopaholics. It was disturbing to see some of the same traits in myself that I saw in them. Buying things we don't need is a biggie for me. I'm not talking about huge amounts of money and I don't even have a credit card, but I do notice that I have three dressers full of clothes plus the closet and far too many shoes. Every season I have to sort through everything and give things away just to make it manageable.

I have gotten a LOT better about some things....I used to subscribe or buy tons of magazines. I finally figured out that I was getting almost nothing out of them, so I dropped all of them except for my favorite two scrapping magazines. (I don't know why I was reading fashion mags anyway, I wear jeans and tshirts almost every day!) I also used to go to Starbucks on my way to work and I haven't done that in many many months. We used to order pizza about once a week and instead I have been cooking more.

I decided that I would challenge myself to not go shopping for an entire month (it is March 1, conveniently) unless it is for groceries or prescriptions and then I would skip any aisles or sections where I didn't need anything.

It's on!


Dawn said...

Best of luck!
Take it one day at a time, when you make it through, I think you will feel a confidence about yourself you never knew existed.

Karen (Cupcake) Carter said...

Now THAT is serious will power. I don't shop much, but when I do go out to Target or the drug store I end up picking up several things I never planned on buying. I need to stop that. Good luck!!!