Wednesday, November 09, 2005


This is what woke me up today. I guess I knew that it would happen-the batteries in one of the SIX smoke detectors in our house would get low when Brian wasn't home.

I am.... ah-hum.....vertically challenged. Armed with a step stool, I still had to S - T - R - E - T - C - H as much as I could on tiptoes to get the damn things down. (we do NOT have high ceilings, by the way) This after standing in the hallway for a good half hour because I was completely stumped as to which one was doing the chirping. I tried closing doors and standing in different places, to no avail. Finally, I just took three of them down and replaced all the batteries.

My question is, if they want people to replace those batteries so bad, why the hell do they make it so difficult to do so? Why do you have to take the whole thing off the ceiling, unplug the wiring and pry up the battery compartment with a screwdriver to accomplish this task? Why not one easy flip-down compartment on the thing so you can just GET THE JOB DONE?

There's some product designer/engineer out there that I'd like to kick in the ass right now.

1 comment:

Karen (Cupcake) Carter said...

Hmmm, thanks for the reminder to give mine a test. It's been about a year, so i should probably get on that. Hope you never need yours!