Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Sierra Scrap Escape

This past weekend, we were lucky enough to be invited up to Sierra Scrap Escape by Donna Ramirez. Even though I didn't have time to prepare a project or class, I got to bring my whole family and we spent time sightseeing together and took our christmas picture up there in the Pines. The resort was just lovely, with a Starbucks in the lobby. Even more improvements will be made by spring, so check it out!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

It Doesn't Translate

I get lots of many ideas and almost none of them come to fruition.

I love to lay in bed and think of things to do, but the next day, when I could possibly try to DO something, I either blank out or the thought of it just exhausts me. I'm not terribly lazy. I have a job, three kids, two cats and a very distracted husband to deal with everyday and I manage most of the time.

I want to be SUPERWOMAN and like, be creative when I'm making dinner, or stay up all night working on projects, or dictate ideas into a recorder, but I know I'm never going to do that. I say that I will have time "someday..."

Oh well.

Friday, October 07, 2005

The tacky stuff I notice.

I don't know why, but on my drive home, I drive past a semi-rural neighborhood that actually gets to have the curbside mailboxes. How quaint, right? Anyway, there is one that just make me "tsk" everyday. It is white with heart-shaped flags on it and silhouettes of desert quail running across the top. I don't get the whole make a flag into another shape thing and c'mon desert quail are so damn ugly and really stupid to boot. I mean, they take their whole brood (which can be DOZENS) running across the road and unlike ducks, they don't even go in a straight line in a calm manner....the dumb quail zig zag across the road like they are blind and their feet are on fire. I kind of like thinking of them as coyote chow.

Monday, October 03, 2005

10 Great Movie Lines

I can't even say that these are my top ten, there are so many great movies lines out there...this is just off the top.

"Put the candle back!" -- Young Frankenstein

"Excuse me, do I have 'fuck me' written on my forehead?" -- Cocktail

"Do or do not; there is no try." - Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back

"Half the time I'm with you, I'm thinking about something else."--Say Anything

"Why don'tcha put her in charge?" -- Aliens

"We're gonna need a bigger boat" -- Jaws

"Because I just went gay all of a sudden!" -- Bringing Up Baby

"All-righty then!" Ace Ventura

"Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night." --All About Eve

"I'll have what she's having." -- When Harry Met Sally

Sunday, October 02, 2005

I Love Being a GIRL!

Well, some of the time! Getting all dressed up, having my first manicure and pedicure and getting my hair styled for my sister's wedding was FUN! In order to make myself more comfortable and interested in doing the girly stuff at home, I am in the process of arranging a vanity in my bedroom. So far, I just have an antique sewing table, mirror and chair, but I plan on getting some kind of lighting and all the fun stuff, jars & bottles to make everything look pretty. It is much more relaxing to do my hair at my vanity instead of leaning over the bathroom sink!