Monday, November 24, 2008

Day Trip to Sedona

We decided to get out of the house on Saturday and drive to Sedona and Oak Creek. We hiked Through slide rock park and the boys had a great time climbing all over everything they could. George was great for Brian in the sling, just went along for the ride.

This week, we adventure to Phoenix!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dog Heaven

The clan is just coming off a Nathan's hot dog binge courtesy of our nearest Shell gas station. We are 20 miles from any real fast food, so while were so occupied with the moving and unpacking, we kept running down to the Shell station for their 99 cent hot dogs. it became quite addictive since there were almost never enough for all of us to get one, so we'd have to take turns and depending on the person, we'd either hope that they WERE the jalapeno version or NOT.

Here is George enjoying the last one we got, 4 whole days ago.

I wonder if Shell has noticed a precipitous drop in their hot dog sales?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Monday's View

Why, yes I do realize that it's Wednesday, but between a sick baby and an absent daddy, it's been a few days of hell here.

This was the lovely view from my front window on Monday morning. The little powder was gone by lunchtime, but it was so pretty to wake up to.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

She didn't get on the bus...

and I don't think she would have fit even if she tried.

Brian spotted two elk (or maybe mule deer? I'm not sure.)feeding on grass and such when we took Harry to his bus stop this morning. I wonder how many kids get to see that?

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Go Vote!

Today is election day; don't forget to vote!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

In the Pines

We arrived on Wednesday night. The drive wasn't too bad, both Harry and George were champs for the 13 hours it took. We stopped in Hawthorne, NV for breakfast and then in Tonopah, NV for gas and potty breaks and we had a long break in Vegas for lunch at Chipotle and donuts from Dunkin Donuts. (haven't had those in YEARS!) Our only other stop was at Hoover Dam. Harry hasn't seen it and I thought we should stop, just in case it was harder to get to when the new highway opens.

Our "cabin" in the woods is a whole 'nother story. It is safe and warm and dry; no critters or anything scary. Well, I guess that depends on your point of view.... be continued