Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Lucky mom gets to watch this every day

So last week, just two days before he turned 9 months old, my little sunshine started walking. He's been teasing us for a few weeks, but now he takes off pretty much whenever he wants. Truly amazing.

Monday, July 14, 2008

How's that for a slice of fried gold?

So, for the first time in ages, I woke up before George and was able to do the whole wake up and get your coffee thing in peace. I had a full hour all to myself to check email, start some laundry and get my mind in gear. It was great.

Unfortunately, I did something truly dumb yesterday. Just to entertain George, we went around the house "knocking" on all kinds of different things to hear the sound it made. Guess that wasn't such a great idea because this morning my "knocking" knuckle hurts like hell. People who have arthritis probably shouldn't go around smashing their joints on things. I hope it calms down soon.

Friday, July 11, 2008


After three summers, we have finally established a lawn! In my opinion, it is just WAY too much effort and cost here in the high desert, but it was already there.

We have aerated and dethatched, seeded and overseeded, fertilized and watered and it finally looks like a lawn!