Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The most Beautiful Baby in the World

Now that I've put another sun in my sky, I have to qualify the "most beautiful" with either boy or baby, depending on if Harry is listening or not.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Brotherly Love

Just in time for Valentine's Day

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Dreaming of Spring

I am SO done with winter!

1. Had enough of colds and coughs. Poor Harry has a nasty one right now; waiting for a call from the doctor because his ear is infected.

2. I can't stand how dirty the car is; even if we wash it, the next snow & melt cruds it right back up again.

3. Georgie hates being bundled up with a passion. He gets really mad.

4. I want nice, longs days again. they go far too fast right now.

5. The house is downright stinky; we need some fresh air in here!