Sunday, August 27, 2006

Doin' the Back to School Happy Dance!

Oh, I feel a little bit guilty, but I am THRILLED that school starts tomorrow. I've got two high schoolers and my little guy is starting kindergarten and I can imagine have a little slice of my own life again. Before Harry was born I was in school, but I usually had 2-3 days a week at home. Yeah, I had a lot of reading and homework to do, but what a joy it was to be in a quiet, empty house.

I know I'm going to miss my little guy, but to have those three sweet hours of peace.....ahhhhhh!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

What would you do with a great domain name?

So, I've had the site for a couple of years now and I still don't know what to do with it. I toyed with the idea of hosting a message board, selling kits, having a gallery and none of them have seemed right at the time. For some crazy reason, my site is getting 90-300 hits a day. With a web designer husband and me currently unemployed, it seems like I should do something with it, but it would have to cost like $0. (or less)

what would you do?

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The children are home!

Steven and Savanna are home from Milwaukee, none the worse for wear. It's great to have them home, but Steven is bored out of his gourd. He is not allowed to see his friends since they all kept getting in trouble this past year and getting bad grades, so he just hangs around the house. I feel sorry for him, but I know I've got to hang tough on this one. He's at a scary age when so much can go wrong and I just can't let it. I can't wait for school to start. I'm hoping that he will make some new and better friends this year in high school.

Meanwhile, this week back to school shopping winds down-new shoes for all!

Monday, August 07, 2006

- 13 pounds

So as of today I have lost 13 pounds in two weeks. Not too bad at all. I am not "doing" anything; no weight watchers or whatever. Just reading every label and having NO red meat, butter, or cheese.

I'm doing this to relieve my arthritis symptoms and it was working well; I felt better than I had in over a month, but then yesterday we spent 5+ hours in the car and it hobbled me. Hopefully that will correct itself quickly.

While we were in Sacramento to pick up my kids, we went to Ikea. Man, I love that store! I got some suspension rails and hooks and baskets to try to free up counter space in my kitchen and closet organization stuff. We spent two hours in Ikea and for me, it wasn't enough. I can't wait to go back!