Thursday, March 23, 2006

Busy doing the mom thing...

Savanna was in a vocal ensemble competition and they are now going to the state competition and she is also rehearsing for their school production of Guys and Dolls, so I have been spending untold hours in the car carting them around. Today I had to take Steven and Savanna for eye exams and to get new glasses...somehow that turned into a four hour odessey. Tonight Savanna has a choir concert and next week her friend is coming to visit from Vegas so the house needs to be nice and clean.

I don't know how supermoms do all this stuff-I only work part time and I can't get 10% of the stuff done that I need/want to!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I killed my iMac

Oh, the poor old thing. It is over 5 years old, but it was so reliable for so long. I don't know what I did to it, I deleted some fonts that were on a bad spot or something because it won't even boot up from a CD now. I could replace the hard drive and upgrade it, but since the thing is so old, I don't think it would be worth it doesn't even have a CD burner in it.

So now I am wanting a new Mac; nothing fancy, but here it is:

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Well, it wasn't MY idea!

Brian and I went down to the city to pay some bills and he needed to get ink for his printer (necessity since he works from home) and wanted to get the best deal, so we ended up going to Sam's Club, Office Depot, and Costco. I did not buy anything, but he bought me a necklace and two shirts just because I liked them. Does it count as me going shopping if it wasn't my idea?

I think it does......oops!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

How can I be so cheap, but not frugal?

I was watching the show "Secret Lives of Women" last night and they had on shopaholics. It was disturbing to see some of the same traits in myself that I saw in them. Buying things we don't need is a biggie for me. I'm not talking about huge amounts of money and I don't even have a credit card, but I do notice that I have three dressers full of clothes plus the closet and far too many shoes. Every season I have to sort through everything and give things away just to make it manageable.

I have gotten a LOT better about some things....I used to subscribe or buy tons of magazines. I finally figured out that I was getting almost nothing out of them, so I dropped all of them except for my favorite two scrapping magazines. (I don't know why I was reading fashion mags anyway, I wear jeans and tshirts almost every day!) I also used to go to Starbucks on my way to work and I haven't done that in many many months. We used to order pizza about once a week and instead I have been cooking more.

I decided that I would challenge myself to not go shopping for an entire month (it is March 1, conveniently) unless it is for groceries or prescriptions and then I would skip any aisles or sections where I didn't need anything.

It's on!